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Invisalign Cost in the UK


Invisalign Treatment Cost in UK

At Museum Dental we are commonly asked “How much will Invisalign treatment cost?” And so that we can accurately tell you how much your treatment will cost we offer you a consultation.

Get Invisalign in London with Special Offers - Museum Dental Suites
Get Invisalign in London with Special Offers - Museum Dental Suites

How much does Invisalign Cost in the UK?

The cost of Invisalign treatment varies from case to case and will depend on your own dentist's pricing structure, but the average cost in the UK is generally between £1900 to £4650.

You will see our prices for Invisalign in our fees page. We can offer several different kinds of Invisalign, and we will do a thorough examination of your teeth before we produce your quote.

How does Invisalign Work? and how to get Invisalign in London
How does Invisalign Work? and how to get Invisalign in London

In the UK and in the city of London, Invisalign treatment will be carried out by specialist orthodontists and dentists and they will be able to tell you the cost of the treatment you choose.

Invisalign Case

Invisalign and Bonding after 5 Invisalign and Bonding before 5
invisalign before 1 invisalign after 1

Some providers will offer a fixed price for Invisalign treatment and other will charge per treatment stage through to the retainer stage. This approach will make your job of comparing treatments more difficult so we always recommend that you request a detailed list of what you can expect for your money.

At Museum Dental Suites your treatment with Invisalign will include all the items listed below:

  • X-rays, photos as well as digital scanning where needed
  • All the Invisalign treatment aligners and their attachments
  • Interproximal reduction to create space where needed
  • Fixed wire retainers are £200 if needed.
  • 1 tube of whitening gel included at the end of the treatment.

It is important that you also consider what experience your Invisalign provider has and look for feedback online if possible. Request a chance to see examples of Invisalign cases that have been treated at their practice.

Invisalign Case

Case 16 Befor Case 16 After
Case 9 Befor Case 9 After

Here is a guide that will help to outline the typical cost of Invisalign braces in UK

Invisalign® i7 - £1950*

  • Records: X-rays, photos and 3D scan needed
  • 3D Virtual treatment (Clincheck)
  • 7 Aligners at the most during 14 weeks of treatment
  • Refinements: £400 charge each
  • Essix retainers available in the price, Vivera retainers are charged at £650.
  • Fixed wire retainers upper and lower are charged at £200

Invisalign® Lite - £2850*

  • Records: 3D scan, X-rays and photos needed
  • 3D Virtual treatment procedure (Clincheck)
  • 14 Aligners for 20-28 weeks of the treatment
  • One free refinement included, Any extra refinement £400 each
  • 3 sets of Removable Vivera Retainers for the upper and lower teeth
  • Fixed wire retainers upper and lower are charged at £200

Moderate Invisalign - £3300*

Invisalign® Full - £3850*

  • Records: Photos, X-rays and 3D scan needed
  • 3D Virtual treatment procedure (Clincheck)
  • Almost 25 Aligners
  • One free refinement included any extra refinement £400 each
  • 3 sets of removable Vivera Retainers for the lower and upper teeth
  • Fixed wire retainers upper and lower are charged at £200

Invisalign® for Complex cases - £4450*

  • Records: Photos, X-rays and 3D scan needed
  • Fixing complicated dental and bite problems
  • 3D Virtual treatment process.
  • Over 30 Aligners in for 11 to 18 months of treatment time.
  • Two Refinements included with additional aligners chargeable at £400 each.
  • 3 sets of removable Vivera Retainers for your upper and lower teeth
  • Fixed wire retainers upper and lower are charged at £200

*all prices are including the introductory offer of £1000

This patient was unhappy with her overbite and her crowded lower teeth. We improved her smile with invisalign and cosmetic contouring.

Case 3 Befor Case 3 After
Case 4 Befor Case 4 After

Financing Options for Invisalign

Most Invisalign providers will offer options to stretch the cost of any Invisalign treatment over a longer period. Ensure you undertake something that works for you.

At Museum Dental Suites we offer our patients interest free finance options that will allow treatment to proceed on payment of a deposit (beginning at £650) with the rest of the payment payable over six to eighteen months. Payments that include interest can be arranged over a 60 month period. Ask our team for advice on what will be best for you.

For your personalised Invisalign quote and to arrange your consultation get in contact with us on
You can also send us a photo for a no contact estimate sent by email.


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Monday 9 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday 9 AM - 6 PM
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Thursday 8.30 AM - 7 PM
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