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Gum Disease

Gum Disease

Gum Disease

Gum disease or periodontal disease, is a dental condition that affects your gums and supports teeth structure. It may range from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis and can cause serious oral health issues when you do not treat it on time. Knowing the causes, symptoms, and treatments for gum disease is crucial for maintaining healthy gums and stronger teeth.

Do Not Avoid Gum Disease

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Causes of gum disease

Gum disease may occur due to accumulation of plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria, on your teeth. Some factors which cause gum disease are the following:

  • Improper dental hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing allow plaque to accumulate on your teeth and gums.
  • Smoking and use of tobacco: Tobacco use increases the risk of gum disease and may worsen its severity.
  • Genetics: Individuals may be genetically predisposed to gum disease.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can make gums highly susceptible to inflammation.
  • Health Concerns: Certain conditions such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS might have an impact on your gum health.
  • Improper Nutrition: When your diet does not have necessary nutrients, it may weaken the immune system, thereby making it difficult for the body to fight against gum infections.
  • Medications: Some medications, such as antihypertensives and anticonvulsants can be the reason for gum problems, as a side effect.


Common symptoms include the following:

  • Swollen, tender or red gums: Inflammation is an early sign of having gum disease.
  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing: Healthy gums should not bleed when they are taken proper care.
  • Loose or shifting teeth: This can lead to bone loss and weakened tooth support.
  • Receding gums: Gums pulling away from your teeth expose tooth roots.
  • Pus between the teeth and gums: This is an advanced sign of infection.
  • Changes in the way teeth fit together when biting: This happens due to changes in bone and gums.
  • Persistent bad breath: The presence of bacteria in your mouth can produce foul-smelling compounds.


  • Gingivitis: The earliest stage is usually characterized by gum inflammation without any bone loss. Gingivitis is reversible with proper dental care.
  • Periodontitis: This is an advanced gum disease with irreversible damage and bone loss. Periodontitis may be mild, moderate, or severe.


A dentist diagnoses your gum disease with a comprehensive examination which include the following:

  • Visual inspection of your teeth and gums.
  • Measuring the depth of gum pockets with a dental probe.
  • X-rays or dental scans to evaluate bone loss.

Treatment for gum disease

The treatment for gum disease includes the following:

  • Scaling and Root Planing: There is deep teeth cleaning procedure to get rid of plaque and tartar from beneath the gumline.
  • Antibiotics: Topical or oral antibiotics are given to control infection.
  • Laser Therapy: This removes infected tissue and promotes the healing process
  • Surgical Procedures: In advanced cases, surgical intervention help to decrease pocket depths or regenerate lost bone.
  • Maintenance and Follow-Up: Routine dental cleanings and mouth check-ups to evaluate your gum health.


Untreated gum disease can cause various complications, including:

  • Spread of infection to other body parts.
  • Increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and respiratory problems.
  • Tooth loss due to weakened tooth support.


The prevention of gum disease involves:

  • Maintaining good dental hygiene with regular brushing and flossing.
  • Avoid the intake of tobacco.
  • Eating a balanced diet that is rich in essential nutrients.
  • Regular oral check-ups for early detection and intervention.

Your Gum Disease should not Affect Your Oral Health

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